How to Get Your Visa

  1. Your passport must be valid beyond the date of your return after the program. If not, please proceed to apply for a new passport.
  2. You need a college student visa to enter Japan.
  3. To apply for a visa to enter Japan, you need to submit your Certificate of Eligibility. This will be enclosed in the pack of documents that you will receive from Konan via your coordinator.
  4. Once you receive your Certificate of Eligibility, make sure all information is correct. If you find any errors, contact Ms. Saji at:
  5. Find the Japanese Consulate or Embassy nearest your home and visit its official website to learn the application procedures.
    Example: Consulate-General of Japan in Chicago
    You may also want to visit the website of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.
  6. Download a visa application form from the Consulate/Embassy website.  
  7. Fill out the visa application form.
    Note: Please also follow the instructions in the letter you received in Step 3 above.
  8. Send or bring to the Consulate/Embassy the following documents:
  • Completed visa application form
  • Passport
  • Certificate of Eligibility
  • Konan acceptance letter (and proof that you are currently a student enrolled in a US university, if any)
    Note: Consulates or Embassies of Japan in countries other than the US (e.g., China and Korea) may require additional support documents. Read the directions carefully.

If you have any questions regarding visa application, contact the Consulate or Embassy.