Pre-2017 Master's Requirements

Pre-2017 M.A. Degree Requirements  (Updated 9/27/04)

Student who entered the program before Fall 2017 have the option of choosing either the old or the new M.A. degree requirements. The old M.A. requirements are listed below.  For the new ones, see M.A. requirements. For the pre-2017 definition of discipline, area and field, see this link.

Hours Courses Notes
4 EALC 500 Proseminar
8 500-level courses in the major field One course must be designated as a research seminar in which the student produces a research paper using Asian language sources.
12 Electives at the 400- or 500-level  
8 Distribution requirements A minimum of two 400- or 500-level in a 1. Second Field: At least one unit of work outside the major field of interest. 2. Second Culture: At least one unit of work in an East Asian culture other than the major areas of interest.3. Second Period: At least one unit each in the modern and premodern period.
Total = 32    

Please note: M.A. students should also see our page on graduate procedures.